customizable connections
between gaming & social spaces
no walls, only gardens
customize, curate, connect
Capture, edit and share clips from your favorite games or projects
Harness the weird science of machine learning (ML) to document, annotate, and analyze your adventures
Built on the open-source Electron framework for maximum transparency and flexibility
Kaipod’s feed running in a browser
It’s alive!
check out the current build
apply filters to live footage
edit and name your clips in the app
share seamlessly with friends & followers
we want to bring people together
In bringing down the boundaries between the various digital communities we all inhabit, Kaimerra’s goal is to make it easier than ever for people to connect. Our online spaces do not have to be the isolated walled gardens they were designed to be.
Using the ever-growing data processing power of machine learning, we want to help people recontextualize the content that they produce. Object identification, annotation overlays, and visual filters are just some of the ways that we’re experimenting with ML’s potential.
We want you to join us on this adventure. Come visit us on our Discord server, check us out on Reddit, or sign up for our newsletter!